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    Pilots Atlas App!

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    ... Now available

    for iPad, iPhone and iPod ...

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    Atlas Eastern Hemisphere,
    USA, South-Canada/Mexico ...
    DESK Pad ...

absolutezero multimedia GmbH was founded in 1998 with a vision to create aviation cartography with a new perspective.

The basic idea of the first Pilots Atlas was to merge the information from the aeronautical system with a detailed topographical ground mapping database. The resulting free flight aviation cartography provides additional information from the ground such as streets, rivers, points of interest. In addition, it is enhanced with useful reference material and calculation tools included in the Captain's Corner; all the stuff you never forget

With the introduction of a digital product, apple app version, in 2013, the functionality has been greatly improved giving the end user the ability to create his or her own charts with personalized information as needed.

We continue to build to the needs of our users and look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to contact us with suggestions for improvement, we listen!

Wishing you "calm seas and following air".

The team from absoluteZero www.absolutezero.de

"Free Flight" is a registered trademark for absoluteZero multimedia GmbH
(Reg-no: 399-42-777 and CTM  008435596)

Pilots Atlas App

Now available for iPad and iPhone.

Our famous Pilots “Free Flight” Atlas. Founded in 1998, is now available as an App for iPhone and iPad.

Detailed mapping with selectable aeronautical overlays.

Create your charts with the information you choose. Add private airports, waypoints, favorite locations, tips, notes, photos and ...

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How to reach us

absoluteZero multimedia GmbH

Ginkgoring 26
63533 Mainhausen

ico tel  phone  +49 (0) 6182-84929660

ico email  E-Mail  contact